”DESTINY” topp modell stereo
Destiny allows us to show the merit of the cross ring method to its maximum.
Weight – 13.0 g
Body – African Blackwood
Stylus shape – nude line contact
Cantilever – bamboo
Output – 0.23mV
Impedance – 16 ohm
”INFINITY” topp modell mono
”Electronically and mechanically ( vertical axis concentration method.) adapted for mono use.
The size of the body is W 24.0 mm x D 28.6 mm. It is a size outside common sense.
The length of the terminal is 4.0 mm.
Please check whether it can be used for the tone arm or head shell you have.
That sound expresses unprecedented low tone volume, clear, three-dimensional, and instrumental quality.
It is music, not audio. This cartridge is special.
The wiring of the terminal of this monaural cartridge is the same as ordinary stereo cartridge.”
From Miyajima Lab homepage
Stylus : 0.7 mil or 1.0 mil conical (pure diamond)
Stylus : 0.7 mil or 1.0 mil conical (pure diamond)
Mer info under Produkter MC
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